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Ta notka z pewnością nie trafi na SG Salonu24 - nie pasuje bowiem do „profilu” Salonu i nie pasuje do profilu poważnego uczonego. W dodatku: „kogo to obchodzi?”. Wiadomo, są szaleńcy, szczęśliwie chyba niegroźni. Kogo interesują historyjki zdyskredytowane przez wszystkie poważne autorytety naukowe i kościelne. No, prawie wszystkie. Są bowiem dziwacy nawet wśród uczonych i profesorów Watykańskich, ale „nas to nie obchodzi i nie dotyczy”.
A o co idzie? Ukazał się właśnie drugi tom encyklopedii historyka amerykańskiego Richarda Dolana: „UFO and the National Security State. The Cover-Up Exposed 1973-1991”. Richard Dolan, jak na historyka przystało, nie spekuluje bez podstaw. Książka oparta jest na dokumentach. Nie da się jej streścić.
Edgar Mitchel, uczestnik misji Apollo 14, napisał o tej książce:
"This updated and modern account of UFOs, alien visitation and government(s) efforts to conceal such occurrences in the modern world is a masterful and important work by a respected researcher and chronicler. Moreover, it is a finely tuned and compelling account by a master storyteller."
„To uaktualnione i współczesne sprawozdanie z UFO, wizyt obcych oraz usiłowań rządu (rządów) by ukryć takie zdarzenia we współczesnym świecie, jest mistrzowską i poważną praca poważnego badacza i kronikarza. Co więcej jest świetne napisana.”
Nick Pope, były Minister Obrony Wielkiej Brytanii (w latach 1985-2006) napisał o tej książce:
"This book is essential reading for anyone with a serious interest in ufology. This 3 volume series is the nearest thing to an official history of the UFO phenomenon that we're ever likely to see. While this second volume is an authoritative account, this is no dry history - in this gripping account, Dolan captures the cases, the controversies and the characters, giving us the definitive position on one of the last great mysteries of our time."
„Książka jest ważna dla wszystkich poważnie zainteresowanych ufologią. Ta 3-tomowa seria jest najlepszym przybliżeniem oficjalnej wersji zjawisk UFO jakie życzylibyśmy sobie widzieć. Choć ten drugi tom jest autorytatywnym sprawozdaniem, nie jest to jedynie sucha historia. W tym pasjonujacym sprawozdaniu Dolan przedstawia zdarzenia, kontrowersje oraz charaktery. Dając nam tym samym definitywne stanowisko odnośnie tej ostatniej z wielkich tajemnic naszych czasów.”
Nie będę o tym wszak pisał. Kto zechce, kogo „ostatnia tajemnica naszych czasów” zainteresuje, ten dotrze do źródeł. Przedstawiam jedynie okładkę i obszerny spis treści. Otrzymaliśmy tę książkę z osobistą dedykacją autora i podziękowaniami za naszą własną pracę.
Richard Dolan - UFO and the National Security State. The Cover-Up Exposed 1973-1991
Acknowledgments. xvi
Foreword, by Linda Moulton Howe xviii
Introduction. 1
The Problem. 1
Main Themes 3
The Story 4
Sources 9
Implications 10
Chapter 1: Global Strangeness, 1973-1975 13
Inexplicable Technology 13
The State of Ufology. 14
UFO Crash in Wales 18
The French Minister of Defense 20
The Wave in Spain 20
ET in the Himalayas? 27
Landed UFOs in Albuquerque 28
All Quiet in the West 29
Nixon, Gleason, and Alien Bodies 32
The Ronald Reagan UFO Sighting. 34
Political Crisis and Freedom of Information 35
Behind the Scenes: The Elite Organizations. 37
The Emenegger-Sandler Intrigue. 41
1975: An Extraordinary Year. 43
1975: UFOs and the Spanish Military Again. 45
UFOs Over Montana Missiles. 46
Enter the Triangles 48
May 3, 1975: A Forgotten Day 51
M ore Military Encounters. 53
1975: The State of Technology. 54
The Nazi UFO Connection. 58
UFO Research in 1975 61
Remote Viewing the Aliens 66
Last Hurrah of the Old Republic 71
UFOs Elsewhere in the World. 73
Summary. 75
Chapter 2: Intruder Alert, 1975-1976. 77
Helicopters and Mutilations in the American West. 77
A New Pattern in Abductions 80
The FBI Backs Away. 83
Going Crazy in the West. 84
NORAD's Top Alert. 86
Up a Notch: Loring Air Force Base 87
The Wurtsmith AFB Encounter 92
From Bad to Worse. 94
Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana 95
Some Unconfirmed Encounters. 100
Fire in the Sky - The Travis Walton Abduction . 102
Summing Up 1975 109
1976: The State of UFO Research. 110
1976 Politics 113
UFOs in the USA: 1976 114
Somebody Else Is On the Moon - and °cher Interesting Leaks 117
UFOs in the Summer of 1976. 119
ET over the Canary Islands?. 121
Incident Over Tehran 125
Henry Kissingcr's UFO Memo 128
Summary 129
Chapter 3: Great Expectations, 1976-1978. 130
Jimmy Carter and the Trilateral Commission. 130
Freedom of Information. 133
Daniel Shechan and the Vault 135
White Flouse UFO Project. 137
Things Go South. 138
Stringfield's Leaks 140
NASA's Troubles, and The Grenada Initiative. 141
Movies and the Media. 145
Government Policies Elsewhere . 147
1977: A Year of Aerial Encounters. 148
UFOs chat Kitl. 152
The Return and Departure of Mr. Axelrod. 154
A Global Aerial Crescendo. 156
Citizens Against UFO Secrccy 161
The Crash Rctrieval Syndrome 163
Moving Toward a Breakout? 166
The Fort Dix - McGuire AFB Incident 169
Spring Sightings. 172
The Bell Island Explosion 173
U.S. Military UFO Sightings in 1978 174
UFOs in the World, 1978. 177
Crashes and Dogfights in South America 178
European Encounters 182
Flurry in the Middle East 184
Soviet UFO Programs 186
China and Australia. 189
Summary. 194
Chapter 4: The Empire Striices Bock, 1979-1980 196
Thc 1979 Drop Off 196
Growing Paranoia 198
The Flouse of Lords Dcbates UFOs. 199
Mutilation Controversy. 201
1979: Mid-Year UFOs. 203
Fighting America's Goliath: the NSA 204
Closing with a Bang and Invasion 205
1980: A Year of Intrigue 207
Spring Sightings. 210
Thc Myrna IIansen Abduction 212
Close Aviation Encounters. 213
A Strange Harvest. 216
Stringfield and The Photos 217
M anzano. 218
Philip Klass: A Covert Attack 220
More Triangles. 223
The Roswell Incident and the Spooks 224
"A Mysterious Silence" 225
The Strange Signais of Paul Bennewitz 225
Moore Slides Deeper. 230
Cases at the End of 1980. 231
Encounters in Rendlesham Forest 233
The Cash-Landrum Incident. 244
Summary. 247
Chapter 5: Cloak and Dogger, 1981-1983 250
Trans en Provence. 250
The Reagan Administration. 251
The State of Ufology, 1981. 255
World Sightings through May. 257
Setbacks in the Fight Against Secrecy. 259
Abduction Debate. 262
Sightings: June through December 1981. 264
Correspondence on UFO Secrecy 268
1982: Pennsylvania UFOs. 269
World Sightings, early 1982 272
The Lid Stays On 274
The Smith-Sarbacher Connection: Uncovered. 278
America: First Among Equals 280
Big Brother Grows Up. 281
Sightings in Late 1982. 283
Star Wars, the Soviets, and ET?. 286
Runaway Government. 291
The Hudson Valley Objects 293
Linda Moulton Howe meets Richard Doty 299
Taking ET Into Custody? 307
Ufology in Retreat 309
Philip Klass: One Man Disinfo Band. 311
Encounters 1983. 312
The Cold War Escalates 314
Stealthy UFOs 316
Two Important Stories Break. 318
Summary. 320
Chapter 6: Calm Before the Storm, 1984-1986. 323
State of Ufology: 1984. 323
MUFON and the National Enquirer. 325
Governmental Policies. 327
essdalen 328
Triangles and Balls of Light. 331
The Barbados Incident 332
Giant UFOs Over the Hudson Valley. 334
The Hudson Valley UFO Conference 339
Dangerous Soviet UFOs. 342
Media Damage Control. 345
Towards a New Era. 346
Leaks and Lote, 1985. 349
Conservative Ufology 354
1985: A Quiet Year 356
Reagan's (First) Alien Invasion Speech. 360
Pennsylvania Triangles. 361
The Challenger and Ellison Onizuka. 362
Dalnegorsk: The Soviet Roswell?. 363
Geopolitics and Chernobyl in 1986. 365
Research: The Old and the New 367
May 1986 - The Brazilian Air Force. 368
UnFunded Opportun ities 371
Politics and Scandai in lace 1986 373
Amazing Encounter Over Alaska 375
The Young Internet. 380
Tracking Fastwalkers at Cheyenne Mountain. 381
A So-Called UFO Working Group 382
The Aviary. 384
Summary. 386
Chapter 7: Ufology Explodes, 1987-1988. 387
A World About to Change. 387
Redefining Ufology 388
Abductions. 388
Cracks in the Secret World. 395
Leaking MJ-12. 398
The MJ-12 Affair Breaks 401
Dr. Eric Walker. 407
1987: A Quiet Year of UFOs. 412
Gulf Breeze 417
The Lear Letters. 420
1987: The Year in Review 424
The Knowles Family Encounter. 425
The U.S. Coast Guard Encounters a UFO. 428
Gulf Breeze: 1988 432
Gulf Breeze - Criticisms. 434
Pennsylvania Wave of 1988. 437
Presidents Talking UFOs. 439
The End of APRO. 440
Strangeness in the Antelope Valley. 441
Enter Bill Cooper. 443
UFO Cover-Up? Live!. 447
Into the Dark Side. 450
Revealing Stealth Secrets 454
The Norton/Lockheed ARV 457
Sightings in the World, 1988 461
Summary. 462
Chapter 8: Into Dreamland and Beyond, 1989-1990 464
The Bush White House. 464
Paranoia and Its Discontents. 466
The Eastern Empire Cracks. 468
Fyffe, Alabama 472
The Bob Lazar Story. 474
Cooper on the Secret Government and MJ-12 481
Bill Moore's Confession. 483
UFOs Mundane and Extraordinary. 486
The (Non) UFO Shootdown Over Long Island. 489
The Strange Soviet Summer of 1989. 492
The Belgian Triangles. 500
Abduction in Lower Manhattan 502
Panama: Dress Rehearsal for a New World Order. 507
Going to Area 51. 509
Gulf Breeze Revisited. 511
Dirty Tricks: The Gulf Breeze "Model" 514
The Soviet UFO of March 21, 1990. 517
The Night of the Belgian Triangles. 519
The Belgian Air Force Talks 521
Belgian UFO: Opinions 522
Soviet UFOs — Again. 526
American Technology Ascendant. 527
Crop Circle Explosion. 530
Summary. 533
Chapter 9: False Dawn, 1990-1991. 535
The Structure of UFO Secrecy 535
Invasion of Kuwait 543
Greifswald Lights 545
Soviet UFO Acknowledgment 546
Dreamland becomes Leakland 549
The Gulf War 553
Aerial Encounters in 1991. 556
UFOs Over Mexico. 559
The Military Abduction Question 560
The Abortive Disclosure 565
The Soviet Coup and Aftermath 568
Faking Crop Circles . 569
UFOs in Space: STS-48 571
Creating the New World Order. 574
Summary. 575
Conclusion 578
Bibliography 584
Endnotes . 591
Index 625

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